As a software engineer in network testing R&D Department, my work involve in C# .NET, Java, and Linux development through the use of design systems. I experienced in problem solving and providing solutions for individual entrepreneurs to large companies and everything in between. My background includes experience in computer science, mathematics, web design and technical writting. In advance, I occasionally give tuition to college students on mathematical subjects (such as Calculus, Statistics, etc.) at my free time.

Here on linkedIn, you'll find some detailed informations on some of the work I've done throughout my career. Feel free to drop me an email to get in touch.


2021 Nov - Now


Kuala Lumpur

I migrated the important parts of TEMS Cloud services to be compatible with RHEL and Ubuntu Linux servers. I also worked in other TEMS projects, such as the JSON parser for network perfomance summary written in TypeScript, and IPSniffing toolset to allow automate testing and benchmark the results of Android applications. I also performed some research on how to measure the figure of merits and rebuffering state on youtube application.

2021 Jan - 2021 Oct

Appxplore Sdn Bhd.

Kuala Lumpur

I continued the dash board project in which use to collect the data from our game users. It served the purpose to produce a robust statistics results on the download rate and purchases items of our main game -- The Masketeer.


Spassolab Sdn Bhd.

Kuala Lumpur

During my internship, I worked in an outsourcing software companies. As the team leader, I guide my teams and help to enhance the products for our customers. We had work through several projects, such as crytocurrency e-wallet and flight-booking system.



Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

Kuala Lumpur

Bachelor of Science (Honours), Applied Mathematics with Computer Science

During my final year, I had wrote the thesis on fuzzy clustering in dynamic network graph, which helps to study on the infection clusters of the pandemic COVID-19.

Software Development

Programming languages

C, C#, Haskell, OCaml, Rust, Python, Java, TypeScript, Javascript, Golang, Julia, R, SAS

(Not restricted on the languages above)

Machine Learning

  • Familiar with PyTorch 2.0 and Tensorflow for deep learning.
  • Training Self-Attention transformers model for LLM;
  • Convolutional Neural Network with ResNet, AlexNet for image processing;
  • Transfer learning with 🤗 pretrained language model, such as BERT, T5;
  • Reinforcement Learning with Q-learning algorithm;
  • Data Visualisation with JavaScript interactive libraries (Vega-lite, D3.js);
  • Deploy Gradio application to 🤗 space;

Web Development

  • HTML, CSS, JQuery and ES6;
  • Golang;
  • TypeScript;
  • CSS frameworks such as BootstrapCSS, TailwindCSS;
  • ReactJS, as well as their frameworks: GatsbyJS, NextJS;
  • Micro-service design with NestJS and RxJs;
  • Redis and RabbitMQ middleware;
  • SQL and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DuckDB;
  • GraphQL API;

Packet Analysis

  • iPerf3;
  • TWAMP;
  • WireShark;

Game Development

  • C# with Unity 3D game engine;
  • GLSL shaders;

Mobile Development

  • Java with Android Studio;
  • Xamarin;
  • Python UIAutomator for automate testing on Android 13;

Linux and DevOps

  • Familiar with Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL/CentOS Ecosystem;
  • Packaging .deb and .rpm installers for Debian and RHEL;
  • Systemd service daemon;
  • YAML file for Azure DevOps pipeline;
  • Docker / Podman;


Numerical Computing

  • Familiar with Mathematica, SAS, MATLAB, Julia and R;
  • solving Ordinary Differential Equation, Partial Differential Equation, and Heat equation;


  • Multivariate Calculus;
  • Linear Algebra;
  • Group Theory;
  • Probability and Measure Theory;

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